
Offering TopStone product accessories, mouldings and profiles, balcony profiles, work tools and protective work equipment. Everything you need to create your dream surface in one place.

TopStone products

We take an individual approach to all details of TopStone surfaces, please do not hesitate to contact our technicians who will advise you. Each system has its own specifics, choose the products of each system here...

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Mouldings and profiles

Working dilatations in the substrate or transitions of other types of substrates (concrete, paving, etc.) or larger areas must also be acknowledged in the TopStone® surface by inserting a moulding. For a stronger step edge and easier implementation of the wall system, we apply a so-called step profile.

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Balcony profiles

When installing guttering, it is important to dilate between the individual pieces to allow for expansion of the individual elements due to temperature changes. Choose from the gutters in our e-shop.

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Successful application of materials requires the use of appropriate tools. Use our recommendations in the material sheets. Make your selection in our e-shop.

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Protective work equipment

It is recommended to use protective work equipment during application.

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+420 580 582 580

ID: 27782239
DIC: CZ27782239

Bank account: 212733206/0300
Registered at the Regional Court in Ostrava on 8 November 2006

Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday: 7:30 - 11:30 / 12:00 - 16:00